Regional geographic information interfaces

Interfaces allow you to read the most up-to-date geographical information materials directly into your own application.

An interface is a connection that allows you to view geographic information materials located on a server. It ensures up-to-date access to the materials and also allows the materials to be read directly into different applications. The created interface connection continuously updates the material from the original source. HSY materials have been produced in the ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) coordinate system.

We provide

Using interfaces in general

To create an interface connection, users need an application (e.g. QGIS) to send a query to the server of the party providing interfaces.  The query is executed using an interface address, which are URLs. The query returns a list of materials in the retrieved interface address. Users can select the materials that interest them from the list of materials, opening the data in the application in either vector or raster format. Using interfaces is no more complicated than opening files. Each material has its own interface address that can be used to retrieve the material.

Start using interfaces

We offer three different OGC-compliant interface options: WFS, WMS and WMTS. The interfaces all behave the same way, but differ in the format they return to users. WMS and WMTS return image-format geographic information to users, while WFS returns downloadable vector-format data (XML schema). The vector is best suited for further processing and editing of the material. Via the WFS interface, users can e.g. retrieve data from the desired bordered area and save it to their own computer. The lighter WMS and WMTS (tiled, i.e. compressed material) are best suited for viewing and background map use. For example, the HSY open data map service uses only open interfaces as a data source. Learn more about WMS and WFS interfaces.