Water meter

The water bill we send you is based on your water meter reading, which indicates the water consumption of your property. As our customer, it is your responsibility to report the water meter reading regularly and maintain the water meter room. On this page, you can find instructions on how to report your water meter reading and what to do if your water meter is not working properly. Here you can also check the requirements concerning the water meter room.

How to report your water meter reading?

The reading on your water meter shows the amount of water used in your household. This allows us to bill you based on your actual water consumption.

As our customer, you will receive a water meter reading request once or twice a year, depending on the water consumption of your property. After receiving the reading request, you can report the reading in our online services or by mail. We will send you an adjustment bill once you have reported your water meter reading. Please report your water meter reading to us at least once a year.

Please make sure that you take the reading from the property’s main water meter. Check that the meter number given in the reading request matches the number hard-stamped to the meter’s edge. In the example image below, the meter number is 82420 and the reading is 2313.


If you report the meter reading by mail, please also note down the zeroes in front of it in the reading column of the form. If you report the reading online, the zeroes in front are not needed. The position of the red markers, showing the cubic metre percentages, does not need to be reported.

For more information about reading your water meter, please contact our customer service by phone or by filling in our feedback form.

How does the water meter reading affect invoicing?

If you report the water meter reading of your property regularly, we can bill you based on your actual water consumption. If you do not report your water meter reading to us, we will send you a bill based on your estimated water consumption. If your actual water consumption is higher than this estimate, this may result in a higher adjustment bill.

If you want to only receive bills based on the water meter reading, you must read the water meter at the beginning of the month and report the reading by the fourth day of the month. Then, we will only send you bills based on the reading. If you do not report your water meter reading to us at the beginning of the month, we will send you an estimated bill in the middle of the month, based on the annual forecast calculated from the readings you have reported earlier.

Read more about estimated and adjustment bills for water.

Water meter reading can help you spot water damage: remember to monitor your water meter

You should occasionally check the water meter between reading requests as well, as hidden leakages, for example, can be detected by monitoring the property’s water meter. Broken water pipes can cause water damage if water leaks into the building’s structures or the lot. If the water meter is running and no one is using water at that time, it may indicate a leaking pipe.

What if the water meter is not working properly or it freezes?

The water meter is owned by HSY and it is replaced with a new one approximately every 10 years. The water meter must be located in a place where it can be easily installed, read, serviced and replaced. It must be protected against freezing, heat and other harmful effects. Please note that the water meter may also ‘sweat’ heavily during the summer if the water meter room is not properly ventilated.

The condition of the water meter and the water meter room should be checked at least once a year, for example, when reading the meter. At the same time, it is a good idea to use the shut-off valves on both sides of the meter by opening and closing them. Unused valves get jammed over time, and if the valves are jammed when the water meter is to be replaced, this cannot be done until the meter valves have been replaced as well.

Valve replacement work and fixing the water meter will be billed according to our service fee list.

Below you can find instructions on what to do if you suspect there might be some fault in your water meter:

Requirements concerning the water meter room

The water meter is owned by HSY, but the property owner is responsible for the room where the property’s water meter is located. In order to make sure that the water meter can be easily installed, read, serviced and replaced, and to ensure the proper functioning of the meter, there are certain instructions and requirements concerning the water meter room. You can check all the requirements here:

‘Lukemalla on väliä’ (The reading matters)

In this video, we explain how, when and why you should check your water meter reading and report it to us.