Geographic information interfaces subject to licence

We provide regional geographic information interfaces to the employees of municipalities and municipal federations

The materials produced by HSY that are subject to licence can be utilised as WFS and WMS interfaces. Register materials corresponding to those in the SeutuData material collection have been published in the service. The interface materials are updated every two weeks. Other map materials included in the SeutuData material package have also been published in the interface.

Using the interface requires a licence to SeutuRuutu, i.e the regional basic register (SePe). All SeutuRuutu users have user rights to the interface without a separate licence application. The username and password for the interface service are the same as in SeutuRuutu. The address of the service has been shared with SeutuRuutu users in connection with the licence decision. If necessary, you can inquire about the address at

For more information on the interface service, see the SeutuData interface instructions (in Finnish).